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Oedipus 1 513 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in What if it's the king
- 00:07
Ha la shmoop So we're here with the coup talking
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about edifice the cane before we start off can you
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sort of just tell us anything that we should know
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before we start reading the book Thiss is pretty classic
Full Transcript
- 00:20
greek tragedy it's a dark story you should watch out
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for the presence of the greek chorus which will alert
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you to pretty important things that are going and we're
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going to be thinking a lot about fate and important
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decisions and family big meaty themes here So what is
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the premise of the play Ed abyss learns that he
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has fulfilled a prophecy that said he would kill his
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father and married his mother Basically the two worst things
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that could happen to him and he's figuring out the
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story and we're figuring it out alongside him So how
- 00:57
does the story start off So edifice is the king
- 01:01
of thieves and he learns that curse has fallen the
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land He asks a priest what's going on and finds
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out that droughts and illnesses and crop shortages the animal
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deaths have spread across the land and he has to
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figure out why and what he can do So obviously
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he just goes And saves the day right Because he's
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the king he tries tio he's pretty confident that he
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can But if he did right away there wouldn't be
- 01:32
a play right name Some of the main themes discussed 00:01:38.453 --> [endTime] in edifice The king
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