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Careers: ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) Agent 522 Views
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This job's got it all right in the title. Alcohol, tobacco, firearms, could anything keep this job from being exciting? Well, maybe all the paperwork. That stuff's not exactly a roller coaster ride.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in shmoop in careers agent Hey
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i'm tony back Oh i'm in a t f agent
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stands for alcohol tobacco and firearms So what am i
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up to today Well today's mission which i had to
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accept because well it's my job is working undercover in
Full Transcript
- 00:20
operation heavy hand as an agent One of my responsibilities
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is to stop the sales of illegal weapons like this
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puppy Why do i do it Very question not many
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people grow up dreaming about being an a t f
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agent but over ninety percent of guns found at crime
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scenes in mexico can be traced back to gun dealers
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in the united states Well when those guns fall into
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the wrong hands thousands of people die I'm not the
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kind of person who could be comfortable on the sidelines
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after hearing that fact i started my day by getting
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into character If anyone tells you that acting classes won't
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pay off well they're just wrong So i'm still trying
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to find a use for those interpretive dance classes when
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i'm undercover is jose barriaux I like horse races steak
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dinners and shooting powerful guns into the air but real
- 01:03
Life tony Well he's into surfing Veggie burritos and jackie
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chan movie marathons Fiercely acting classes solid investment Let me
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introduce you to my partner fernando I know this guy
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has my back no matter what I also know that
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he can't stay awake during a jackie chan movie marathon
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but i like him anyway And for those of you
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who think any lazy person like fernando here it can
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become an a t f agent Sorry to disappoint you
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but yeah there's Some pretty intense training We go through
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you're there for a few months and they teach you
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everything you need to know about going undercover You know
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you could probably see why poor fernando is still tired
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You picked a good day to tail me Today should
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be the end of our mission Because jose here is
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going to sell one hundred thousand dollars worth of guns
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to a mexican cartel A few months ago fernando and
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i met don and pedro at a bowling alley in
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tijuana They were terrible bowler but had connections with the
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cartel The was targeting six months after meeting mani a
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jaguar a k a the high up guy in the
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cartel Yeah We finally had gained their trust Fernando even
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had to kill someone to prove his loyalty Of course
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We knew it was all set up by the but
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well the cartel bought it in turns What would we
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do without him Well we spent a long time gathering
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evidence wearing wires taking pictures and keeping track of the
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people we met in the organization And now well now
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it's go time And yeah this kind of deal is
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just as intense as you see in the movies The
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transaction goes smoothly but just in case well we brought
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back up it's comforting I don't want that last veggie
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burrito I had teo actually be my last veggie burrito
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Anyway many approves of what we brought and we help
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him load up the truck They give us the duffel
- 02:38
bag of cash manny's in high spirits and makes us
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promised to see him again at his sister's wedding Yes
- 02:43
we're like a family to him Now we agree but
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i can't help wonder if his sister will live stream
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the ceremony so he can watch it after his arrest
- 02:51
in you know cell number thirteen Well here's Where the
- 02:53
magic happens once the truck is out of sight Fernando
- 02:56
calls the head of the f and they'd leave to
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intercept manny and the guns before they can cause any
- 03:01
harm Guns off the street Bad guys behind bars and
- 03:05
me on my way to a veggie burrito It's A
- 03:07
tough job but uh well i wouldn't have it any 00:03:10.06 --> [endTime] other way especially when it ends with a burrito
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