Babo ("Benito Cereno") Timeline and Summary


Babo ("Benito Cereno") Timeline and Summary

  • Babo may have been a slave back home. He is probably from Senegal.
  • He was captured by slavers, and ended up the captive of Don Aranda on a boat commanded by Benito Cereno.
  • Babo managed to lead an uprising against his captors, and he and the other black people on board took over the ship.
  • Babo tried to get Benito to sail the ship to an African port, but Benito managed to fool him, and eventually after much hardship found Amaso Delano's boat off Chile.
  • Babo figured out a plan to pretend that the slaves were still slaves, so Delano would resupply them and they could be on their way again.
  • It almost worked…but then it didn't.
  • Many of the black people were killed; Babo was captured.
  • He was tried and decapitated and his head displayed.