One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who thinks, "They don't bother not talking out loud about their hate secrets when I'm nearby because they think I'm deaf and dumb"?

Chief Bromden
Nurse Ratched
Dale Harding
Billy Bibbit
Q. Who said, "You have more to lose than I do. I'm voluntary. I'm not committed"?

Chief Bromden
Nurse Ratched
Dale Harding
Billy Bibbit
Q. Who said, "He is what we call a 'manipulator,' Miss Flinn, a man who will use everyone and everything to his own ends"?

Billy Bibbit
Nurse Ratched
Dale Harding
Doctor Spivey
Charles Cheswick
Q. Who said, "I'm not a chicken, I'm a rabbit. The doctor is a rabbit. Cheswick there is a rabbit"?

Nurse Ratched
Dale Harding
Doctor Spivey
The Acutes
Q. Who said, "Ya knowthat is the ex-act thing somebody always tells me about the rules"?

Nurse Ratched
Dale Harding
Billy Bibbit
Doctor Spivey