Modernism: Themes and Symbols Quiz

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Modernism? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What modernist work best showcases the unconscious?

The Great Gatsby
The Metamorphosis
The Sun Also Rises
Q. Which of the following is straightforward and fairly easy to follow?

Turn of the Screw
Mrs. Dalloway
The Sun Also Rises
Q. Which of these works cuts and pastes pieces of many texts together?

The Waste Land
"In a Station of the Metro"
The Sound and the Fury
"Second Coming"
Q. Which Modernist work of literature aims to be clear and concise?

Tender Buttons
"The Red Wheelbarrow"
Finnegan's Wake
The Little Rascals
Q. Which of the following works could be said to operate by the maxim "Make it New"?

"In a Station of the Metro," by Ezra Pound
"The Idea of Order at Key West," by Wallace Stevens
"Goodnight Moon," by Christopher Walken
We, by Evgeny Zamyatin