Edmund Tyrone Timeline and Summary


Edmund Tyrone Timeline and Summary

  • (Since so little actually happens in this play, here's the very short list of things Edmund actually does. If you want a timeline of how his character develops through conversation, which is more important to a play like this, head to the "Detailed Summary.")
  • Edmund talks with Jamie in the dining room.
  • He comes into the living room and chats with the family.
  • When James and Jamie go to do yard-work, he lets Mary go upstairs to "nap" and joins the boys outside.
  • Edmund comes back in before the other Tyrones and does some reading.
  • When lunch is about to start, Edmund makes to swipe some bourbon, but he's interrupted by Jamie (who helps him steal it anyway).
  • Edmund and Jamie both talk with Mary before James shows up for lunch.
  • After lunch, Edmund goes upstairs after Mary because he has to get dressed for his appointment with Doctor Hardy.
  • He comes back down just as his parents finish talking about his birth, and leaves for town with his father and brother.
  • After his appointment, Edmund has a few drinks and comes home with his father before dinner.
  • Before his father returns from the whiskey cellar, Edmund can't take being with Mary anymore and leaves the house again before dinner.
  • He goes for a walk on the beach in the fog and stops at an inn for some drinks.
  • Edmund comes home around midnight and spends the remainder of the play talking to James, Jamie, and an oblivious Mary in succession.