Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Statistics

Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Statistics

By the Numbers

Getting the Word Out

Number of pamphlets published between 1750 and 1776 addressing the Anglo-American controversy: over 400
Number published between 1776 and 1783: 1,100

Number of newspapers in the mainland colonies in 1775: 38


Total colonial population in 1776: almost 2.5 million.

New York Colony

Population in 1771: 163,348
Percentage that was white: 88%
Percentage that was male: 52%
Percentage under the age of 16: 46%

Massachusetts Colony

Population of Massachusetts in 1776: 290,900
Black population of Massachusetts in 1776: 4,761 (1.6%)

City Populations in 1775

Boston: 16,000
Newport, Rhode Island: 11,000
New York City: 25,000
Philadelphia: 33,500
Charleston, South Carolina: 12,000.


Number of slaves in the colonies in 1776: 500,000
Ratio of free colonists to slaves: 4 to 1

Number of members of the Virginia delegation to the Continental Congress that did not own slaves: 0

State Constitutions

Number of states that had drafted and adopted constitutions by the end of 1776: 10
Number of states that had drafted and adopted constitutions even before the national Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776: 2