The Great Society Speech Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Great Society Speech? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. LBJ had the Great Society. FDR had the New Deal. What was JFK's domestic policy agenda called?

Big Deal
New Frontier
Square Deal
New Freedom
Q. Why did LBJ call the 89th Congress (1965-1967) "fabulous"?

It passed 60 landmark laws.
The Speaker hosted great parties.
It made Martin Luther King's birthday a federal holiday.
It gave Lady Bird Johnson the right to vote on bills.
Q. Before the Senate could pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act, it had to do something no previous Senate had ever done. What was it?

Persuade every senator to show up for the vote on time (a.k.a. incoming congressmen)
Persuade African-American senators to support the bill (a.k.a. inclusive control)
Persuade two-thirds of the Senate to agree to end a filibuster against the bill (a.k.a. invoking cloture)
Persuade the president of the Senate to buy doughnuts to celebrate the bill (a.k.a. imperative confectionery)
Q. In 1964 Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater warned that government under Johnson was like this fictional character.

Dopey of the Seven Dwarfs
The alien life form from The Blob
The Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz
Big Brother from 1984
Q. Why was Senator LBJ called the "Master of the Senate"?

He pretended to be an MC (master of ceremonies) when he introduced legislation.
He was incredibly skilled at getting senators to vote his way.
He insisted that junior senators call him "Master."
He'd mastered the secret handshake to gain entry to the Senate chamber.