Every Man a King Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Every Man a King? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How did Long manage to secure power early on in his tenure as governor?

He installed all of his cronies in powerful government posts and forced bills through the state senate.
He said please and thank you.
He exiled the opposition from the state.
His fair dealings with opponents won them over.
Q. After Long was nearly impeached in 1929, how did he react?

He got even more ruthless.
He apologized in a radio address.
He said, "Make my day."
He was too drunk to know about the impeachment effort.
Q. What measures did Long take in his last days as governor?

He crushed civil liberties and more or less became the state dictator.
He pardoned all his enemies and invited them to a barbecue at the Governor's Mansion.
He repealed some of his more unpopular legislation.
He added "The Magnificent" to his title.
Q. How did Long deal with his political enemies?

He had a "let bygones be bygones" attitude.
He won them over with liquor and women.
He viciously attacked and punished them.
What enemies?
Q. Where did Long derive his authority?

His power came from his adoring followers, but when push came to shove it was the police and the National Guard.
God wanted him to be Governor.
Long was groomed for his position by the political elite.
Morpheus told him he was sent to save Louisiana.