Dead Man Walking Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Dead Man Walking? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Tim Baldwin demonstrates

that some death row inmates really deserve death.
that innocent people are sometimes executed.
that Prejean should have been spiritual advisor to more people.
that the governor was hoping to be played by Sean Penn.
Q. Why does Prejean quote from the Bible so much throughout Dead Man Walking?

She's in prison, and it's the only book she has.
The Bible is the only book that argues against the death penalty.
As a nun, it's her job to quote from the Bible. She gets paid by Biblical quote.
Catholicism is important to her life; Dead Man Walking is about her life, so she quotes from the Bible.
Q. Why does Prejean quote from Albert Camus?

She is an atheist existentialist like Camus.
Camus is the secret death penalty spell "sumac" spelled backwards.
Camus provides good Christian arguments against the death penalty.
Camus provides good secular arguments against the death penalty.
Q. What does the sign on the road to Angola read?

"Beam me up, Scotty."
"Abandon all hope."
"Do not despair, you'll soon be there."
"Death, be not proud."
Q. Why does Prejean describe the murders in her book?

Because she wants to show that all killing is wrong.
Because she witnessed the killings, and so she puts them in her memoir.
Because the book is pro-death penalty, and describing the murders shows that the murderers deserve death.
Because Dead Man Walking is a murder mystery, and you describe murders in murder mysteries.