City of Bones Chapter 10 Quotes

City of Bones Chapter 10 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Clary didn't see how killing one person could make right the death of another, but she sensed there was no point saying that. (10.254)

Maybe Clary can be an anti-death penalty advocate when she grows up, but for now, she sure doesn't seem willing to speak her mind.

Quote 2

"A Shadowhunter who kills another of his brothers is worse than a demon and should be put down like one." (10.264)

"Put down" like an unwanted animal. Look, we get that there's a lot of anger flying around in this book, but the moral code of the Shadowhunters seems a bit too old school. Where's the wiggle room? Are there no gray areas?

Quote 3

[Jace's] hands were cool on [Clary's], and she was aware of them in a way she had not been of Simon's. (10.121)

Jace's hands may be cool, but their relationship is heating up fast.