Animal Nutrition and Digestion Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Animal Nutrition and Digestion? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Proteins are broken down into      , while carbohydrates are broken into      .

Amino acids / fatty acids
Amino acids / sugars
Sugars / Amino acids
Sugars / fatty acids
Fatty Acids / sugars
Q. Which is not a function of the pancreas?

Break down fats with pancreatic lipase
Secrete HCO3- to neutralize chime at the small intestine
Break down proteins with pancreatic amylase
All of the above.
All are important pancreatic functions
Q. What are the three components that maintain the kidney's medullary concentration gradient

Ascending Loop of Henle, descending Loop of Henle, vasa recta
Ascending Loop of Henle, distal tubule, vasa recta
Water, active transport of NaCl, proximal tubule
Nephron, collecting tubule, inner medulla
Ascending Loop of Henle, descending Loop of Henle, proximal tubule
Q. The Descending Loop of Henle is permeable to      , while       is permeable at the Ascending Loop.

NaCl / water
HCO3- / water
Water / NaCl
Water / HCO3-
NH3 / water
Q. Animals become constipated when:

Too little water is absorbed at the small intestine.
Too much water is absorbed at the small intestine.
Too much water is absorbed at the large intestine.
There are not enough villi in the small intestine to absorb nutrients.
An animal eats too much fiber.
Q. Protein digestion occurs in the       with the help of      .

Small intestine / pepsinogen
Small intestine / pepsin
Stomach / salivary amylase
Pancreas / salivary lipase
Stomach / pepsin
Q. Blood pressure pushes blood through the       and into the nephron's      .

Glomerulus / Bowman's capsule
Bowman's capsule / Proximal tubule
Glomerulus / Loop of Henle
Bowman's capsule / Glomerulus
Vasa recta / Medulla
Q. What stimulates gastrin release?

basic chyme
acidic chyme
peptide-containing chyme
fatty acid-containing chyme
None of the above. Gastrin is always present in the alimentary canal, and an event does not trigger its release.
Q. Threonine is an example of      .

an essential amino acid
a mineral
an essential vitamin
a carbohydrate
an essential protein
Q. Fats are digested by       and      .

bile / salivary amylase
pepsin / bile
pepsinogen / pancreatic lipase
pancreatic amylase / the liver
bile / pancreatic lipase