Titanic Quotes

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Source: Titanic

Speaker: Rose DeWitt Bukater

"I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."

I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go. I promise.


This line was spoken by Rose (played by Kate Winslet) in the film Titanic (1997), directed by James Cameron.

In a tragic yet melodramatic romantic moment that's up there with Juliet stabbing a knife in herself when she sees Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, Jack Dawson gives up his space on a wood panel to his love, Rose. Did we mention that this scene is set in the middle of the cold, Atlantic Ocean while the symbol of modern industrialism is sinking to the bottom?

There's so much drama and sadness that typing this sentence is making us reach for the tissue box. However, Rose does find a happy ending and lives for almost eight decades after the sinking of the Titanic, taking the last name "Dawson" when she returns to the United States.

And in the end, she and Jack are reunited in a beautiful, shiny afterlife version of the Titanic's grand staircase because the power of love is cool like that. Plus, no one wants a downer ending after sitting through a three-hour movie.

Where you've heard it

If you were too young to watch Titanic six gazillion times at your local multiplex, you've probably rented it on VHS (there were two tapes!) or DVD, or caught it on cable or Netflix. And if you aren't into romance or don't have three hours to spare, this quote has been immortalized as a meme, one of many featuring Leonardo DiCaprio.

In an interview with the UK-based newspaper Metro, Kate Winslet slyly admitted that Jack Dawson could have fit on the door with Rose.

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

This quote is pretty overused as a meme, but Titanic's a pretty baseline reference so many people will nod begrudgingly when you spread your arms out on a random piece of wood.