Barrels Per Day - B/D


Categories: Metrics

Not the answer you want when you ask a prospective romantic partner the question, "how many pickles do you eat?" But it's exactly the measure you're looking for when you ask someone about oil output.

We know what you're going to say: "when did a barrel become an accepted amount of anything?" We get it. We're all pretty comfortable with gallons and maybe liters (if we're dealing with Europeans or Canadians), but now we're going to start measuring oil (and only oil) in some arbitrary measure like "barrels." If you want to trade in mayonnaise futures, are they traded by the jar? Is cocoa traded in "mugfuls"?

We're afraid the "barrels" thing is just one of those historical quirks that comes along with having a financial market that stretches back to a time when people rode to work on horseback and wore silk socks and knee-britches. When they started using "barrels" as the accepted measure of an amount of oil, there was still farmland on Manhattan. It's just the way it is. (A barrel of oil is 42 gallons, by the way.)

If you run an oil production facility (like an offshore rig, or a field of those giant hammer-looking things that move up and down), then you measure the amount of oil you pull out of the ground in barrels per day. It's just how it goes.

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guts because yeah oil that's where it comes from yesterday's


stegosaurus is today's refined petroleum and we're talking about a


massive amount of dollars here like you could call them


master dollars or t rex a dollars or try sarah


dollars big wealth in the nineteen seventies came from the


petro era in the same way that it's led today


by amazon facebook and google When oil prices suddenly spiked


in the seventies the people who won well they were


the ones who had massive oceans of it underground We're


looking atyou saudi arabia and you texas and in times


when there is so much money coming into a system


with a shock well the economic driver of that wealth


becomes a kind of currency itself In fact china's made


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medal of shame standard that western civilization well he used


to hold so dear petro dollars petro wealth were still


feeling it and weigh no that that makes this guy


Happy at least if you're happy and you know it 00:01:18.389 --> [endTime] never moved

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