Introduction to Photoshop

  • Course Length: 3 weeks
  • Course Type: Short Course
  • Category:
    • Life Skills
    • Technology and Computer Science
    • Middle School
    • High School

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Everyone and his or her great grandparent seems to be into photography these days. From photographing (and posting) what we eat for breakfast to capturing every movement of some distant cousin's baby's first five months, many of us have jumped on the point-and-click bandwagon.

Selfies included.

But…do you ever feel like, deep down, you're missing something? Does posting Insta pics of your kimchi taco fill you with less satisfaction than it should? Do you wish you could use big words like "saturation" and "composition" without feeling a little...croppy and underexposed deep inside?

Knowing how to edit, retouch, and refurbish photos is an in-demand skill in the modern world. With increased Photoshop skills, you can:

  • make family vacation photos so beautiful through tweaking color and light that friends will want to sit through your three hour slideshow.
  • expand the limits of plausibility by creating realistic fake photos.
  • retouch pimples. We know; we do it all the time.

After fifteen lessons of intros, readings, activities, and projects, you'll be a pro at cropping, layering, burning and dodging, and retouching. Plus, you'll be able to perfect people and objects beyond recognition, transform images into exciting artistic statements, convince people you've visited places you've never been, and invent new, hybrid animals.

Or just get better at editing selfies.

Unit Breakdown

1 Introduction to Photoshop - Introduction to Photoshop

Photoshop has a bit of a learning curve, but once you learn the names and uses of the basic tools, even the impossible will become possible. As long as your definition of impossible refers solely to what can't show up in a photograph, that is.